Roof of House

Unlike many other household problems, roofing problems have the potential to create a sort of ripple effect within the home. For instance, in the case of common residential roofing issues like ice dams, damaged shingles and leaks, there’s potentially not just an issue with the integrity of the roof itself, but likely water damage and possible mold growth within the home as well. That’s why it’s important to take the time to regularly inspect the roof for issues and ensure that any are corrected at the first sign of a problem. When it comes to roofing, small problems are just likely to become bigger, more extensive and more expensive problems if they’re not addressed in a timely manner.

On that note, here’s a closer look at some of the most common problems that occur with roofs:

Common Issues That Occur With Roofs

  • Ice dams: Ice dams have the potential to occur in areas that see harsh winters, such as right here in Burnsville, Minnesota. They form when snow melts off the roof, only to refreeze when it reaches the gutters. Ice dams don’t just prevent proper water drainage, but they can also cause water to seep into the roof and thereby the home because it can’t drain as it should.
  • Flashing issues: Flashing helps seal areas around roof vents, chimneys and other areas of the roof that are penetrated. However, worn or improperly installed flashing can lead to leaks during rainfall and subsequent water damage and mold growth.
  • Damaged shingles: Shingles take a beating over the course of their lifespan, and it’s not uncommon for various issues to crop up in older shingles that compromise the effectiveness of the roof. Blistering, shrinkage, surface erosion, splitting and punctures can all leave your home more susceptible to the elements of Mother Nature.
  • Leaks: As we noted in the opening, a leaky roof doesn’t just signal a problem with a part of the overall roof, but potential subsequent water damage and mold growth. Leaks may occur when there’s damage to the roof itself or when moisture finds its way under the roof layers.
  • Trees: Tree branches that are hanging too close to roofs can present a variety of issues. For starters, branches can brush roof shingles when they come into contact, helping accelerate shingle erosion. Additionally, trees can help shade roofs so that moisture doesn’t dry as quickly from the surface after rainfall, possibly leading to mold, algae and mildew growth in certain areas.

Regular roof inspections can go a long way toward identifying – and resolving – small issues before they have the chance to become big ones. Additionally, we recommend looking for unusual stains on the ceiling and for water in the firebox to better help you gauge whether there’s a roof leak. For more information on common roofing issues, both when it comes to multi family roofing and residential roofing, contact All Craftsmen Exteriors today.